philos_2022_11_07_ais_ferry_near::AIS data from nearby vessels
Philos – AIS Data From Nearby VesselsThis dataset was collected on 2022/11/07 on the vessel R/V Philos in Boston Harbor. The dataset contains AIS data from several nearby vessels including a ferry and demonstrates projection of this data into radar images. Duration of the dataset is approximately 00:00:20. HIGHLIGHTS
Dataset ID: philos_2022_11_07_ais_ferry_near Filename: philos_2022_11_07_ais_ferry_near.tar.gz (1 GB) To download files, pop-ups must be enabled. |
philos_2022_11_07_ais_ferry_far::AIS data from distant vessels
Philos – AIS Data From Distant VesselsThis dataset was collected on 2022/11/07 on the vessel R/V Philos in Boston Harbor. The dataset contains AIS data from several nearby vessels including a ferry and demonstrates projection of this data into radar images. Duration of the dataset is approximately 00:00:20. HIGHLIGHTS
Dataset ID: philos_2022_11_07_ais_ferry_far Filename: philos_2022_11_07_ais_ferry_far.tar.gz (900 MB) To download files, pop-ups must be enabled. |
prodromos_2021_10_29_almost_cross::two sailboats
prodromos_2021_10_29_close_approach::two sailboats - close approach
Philos – two sailboats – close approachThis dataset was collected on 2021/10/29 on the vessel R/V Philos on the Charles River near the MIT Sailing Pavilion, Cambridge, MA. Weather was clear. This dataset contains video, IR, lidar, radar, and independent GPS position of two sailboats maneuvering close to R/V Philos. Duration of the dataset is approximately 00:01:20. HIGHLIGHTS
Dataset ID: prodromos_2021_10_29_close_approach Filename: prodromos_2021_10_29_close_approach.tar.gz (3.2 GB) To download files, pop-ups must be enabled. |
prodromos_2021_10_29_sailboats_busy::two sailboats - busy
Philos – two sailboats – busyThis dataset was collected on 2021/10/29 on the vessel R/V Philos on the Charles River near the MIT Sailing Pavilion, Cambridge, MA. Weather was clear. This dataset contains video, IR, lidar, radar, and independent GPS position of two sailboats maneuvering close to R/V Philos. Duration of the dataset is approximately 00:02:00. HIGHLIGHTS
Dataset ID: prodromos_2021_10_29_sailboats_busy Filename: prodromos_2021_10_29_sailboats_busy.tar.gz (5.5 GB) To download files, pop-ups must be enabled. |
prodromos_2021_10_29_sailboats_crossing::two sailboats crossing
Philos – two sailboats crossingThis dataset was collected on 2021/10/29 on the vessel R/V Philos on the Charles River near the MIT Sailing Pavilion, Cambridge, MA. Weather was clear. This dataset contains video, IR, lidar, radar, and independent GPS position of two sailboats maneuvering close to R/V Philos. Duration of the dataset is approximately 00:01:25. HIGHLIGHTS
Dataset ID: prodromos_2021_10_29_sailboats_crossing Filename: prodromos_2021_10_29_sailboats_crossing.tar.gz (3.8 GB) To download files, pop-ups must be enabled. |
prodromos_2021_10_29_sailboats_pacing::two sailboats pacing
Philos – two sailboats pacingThis dataset was collected on 2021/10/29 on the vessel R/V Philos on the Charles River near the MIT Sailing Pavilion, Cambridge, MA. Weather was clear. This dataset contains video, IR, lidar, radar, and independent GPS position of two sailboats maneuvering close to R/V Philos. Duration of the dataset is approximately 00:01:15. HIGHLIGHTS
Dataset ID: prodromos_2021_10_29_sailboats_pacing Filename: prodromos_2021_10_29_sailboats_pacing.tar.gz (3.4 GB) To download files, pop-ups must be enabled. |
philos_2021_10_28_night_channel::channel transit at night
philos_2021_10_28_ sunset_cruise::touring vessels and a tugboat at sunset near the Tobin Bridge
philos_2021_10_28_dusk_barge::barge at underway at dusk
philos_2021_10_28_dusk_mooring_field::field of moored sailboats at dusk
philos_2021_10_28_dusk_party_boat::party boat passing from river under bridge to harbor in fading sunlight
philos_2021_10_28_dusk_party_boat_glare::party boat in sunset light and glare
philos_2021_10_28_dusk_party_boat_glare2::party boat in sunset light and glare turning and passing on port side
philos_2021_10_28_dusk_sailboat::sailboat at dusk
philos_2021_10_28_night_bridge::opening of railroad bridge at night
philos_2021_10_28_night_tanker::tanker and tugboats underway
philos_2020_11_06_moving_and_passing_moving_launch::Boat, Head-on Pass
Philos – Moving And Passing, Moving LaunchThis dataset was collected on 2020/11/06 on the vessel R/V Philos in the sailing basin of the Charles River, Boston, MA. Skies were clear. Philos and a small launch pass each other port-to-port under power. Duration of the dataset is approximately 00:01:20 (epoch 1604682922 to 1604683003.) HIGHLIGHTS
Dataset ID: philos_2020_11_06_moving_and_passing_moving_launch Filename: philos_2020_11_06_moving_and_passing_moving_launch.tar.gz (3.69 GB) To download files, pop-ups must be enabled. |
philos_2020_11_06_passing_stationary_launch::Boat, Head-on Pass
Philos – Passing, Stationary LaunchThis dataset was collected on 2020/11/06 on the vessel R/V Philos in the sailing basin of the Charles River, Boston, MA. Skies were clear. Philos passes a small launch with only Philos under power at about 6 kn. Duration of the dataset is approximately 00:01:20 (epoch 1604682681 to 1604682762.) HIGHLIGHTS
Dataset ID: philos_2020_11_06_passing_stationary_launch Filename: philos_2020_11_06_passing_stationary_launch.tar.gz (3.53 GB) To download files, pop-ups must be enabled. |
philos_2020_11_06_stationary_passed_by_launch::Boat, Head-on Pass
Philos – Stationary, Passed By LaunchThis dataset was collected on 2020/11/06 on the vessel R/V Philos in the sailing basin of the Charles River, Boston, MA. Skies were clear. Philos is at rest and is passed by a small launch. Duration of the dataset is approximately 00:01:40 (epoch 1604682358 to 1604682459.) HIGHLIGHTS
Dataset ID: philos_2020_11_06_stationary_passed_by_launch Filename: philos_2020_11_06_stationary_passed_by_launch.tar.gz (4.07 GB) To download files, pop-ups must be enabled. |
philos_2020_10_22_car_carrier_far::Car Carrier, Ship, Boat, Sailboat
Philos – Car, Carrier – FarThis dataset was collected on 2020/10/22 on the vessel R/V Philos in Boston Harbor, Boston, MA. Skies were clear becoming overcast. Philos enters the inner harbor while passing an outgoing car carrier. Duration of the dataset is approximately 00:06:00 (epoch 1603389805 to 1603390165.) HIGHLIGHTS
Dataset ID: philos_2020_10_22_car_carrier_far Filename: philos_2020_10_22_car_carrier_far.tar.gz (16.53 GB) To download files, pop-ups must be enabled. |
philos_2020_10_22_car_carrier_near::Car Carrier, Ship, Boat, Sailboat
Philos – Car, Carrier – NearThis dataset was collected on 2020/10/22 on the vessel R/V Philos in Boston Harbor, Boston, MA. Skies were clear becoming overcast. Philos enters the inner harbor while passing an outgoing car carrier. Duration of the dataset is approximately 00:02:00 (epoch 1603390015 to 1603390135.) HIGHLIGHTS
Dataset ID: philos_2020_10_22_car_carrier_near Filename: philos_2020_10_22_car_carrier_near.tar.gz (5.62 GB) To download files, pop-ups must be enabled. |
philos_2020_10_22_mooring_field_with_ferry::Mooring Field, Mooring Ball, Ferry, Sailboat, Boat
Philos – Mooring Field With FerryThis dataset was collected on 2020/10/22 on the vessel R/V Philos in Boston Harbor, Boston, MA. Skies were clear becoming overcast. Philos moves near a mooring field and passes a ferry and other small boats. Duration of the dataset is approximately 00:02:45 (epoch 1603387383 to 1603387548.) HIGHLIGHTS
Dataset ID: philos_2020_10_22_mooring_field_with_ferry Filename: philos_2020_10_22_mooring_field_with_ferry.tar.gz (7.22 GB) To download files, pop-ups must be enabled. |
philos_2020_09_24_Gateway_Endeavor::Ship, Boat, Waves, Seawall
Philos – Gateway, EndeavorThis dataset was collected on 2020/09/24 on the vessel R/V Philos in Boston Harbor, Boston, MA. Skies were overcast. The 35 m supply ship Gateway Endeavor and Philos pass port-to-port. Duration of the dataset is approximately 00:01:00 (epoch 1600961941 to 1600962001.) HIGHLIGHTS
Dataset ID: philos_2020_09_24_Gateway_Endeavor Filename: philos_2020_09_24_Gateway_Endeavor.tar.gz (3.02 GB) To download files, pop-ups must be enabled. |
philos_2020_09_24_inbound_through_locks::Locks, Seawall, Traffic Light, Gate
Philos – Inbound Through LocksThis dataset was collected on 2020/09/24 on the vessel R/V Philos in Boston Harbor, Boston, MA. Skies were overcast. Philos enters the Charles River Locks to transit inbound. Duration of the dataset is approximately 00:02:15 (epoch 1600967397 to 1600967532.) HIGHLIGHTS
Dataset ID: philos_2020_09_24_inbound_through_locks Filename: philos_2020_09_24_inbound_through_locks.tar.gz (8.1 GB) To download files, pop-ups must be enabled. To download files, pop-ups must be enabled. |
philos_2020_09_23_sailboat_Harvard_Bridge::Sailboat, Bridge, Solar Glare, GPS Denied
Philos – Sailboat, Harvard BridgeThis dataset was collected on 2020/09/23 on the vessel R/V Philos on the Charles River just east of the Harvard Bridge, Cambridge, MA. Skies were partly cloudy. A sailboat is ahead of Philos for much of the dataset, which includes transit of the Harvard Bridge. Duration of the dataset is approximately 00:01:45 (epoch 1600888069 to 1600888174.) HIGHLIGHTS
Dataset ID: philos_2020_09_23_sailboat_Harvard_Bridge Filename: philos_2020_09_23_sailboat_Harvard_Bridge.tar.gz (5.6 GB) To download files, pop-ups must be enabled. |
philos_2020-09-17_docking::Docking, Dock, Sailboat, Boat, Seawall, Mooring Ball
Philos – DockingThis dataset was collected on 2020/09/17 on the vessel R/V Philos on the Charles River at the MIT Sailing Pavilion, Cambridge, MA. Skies were mostly clear. This sequence captures docking and several sailboats passing into and out of the test area. Duration of the dataset is approximately 00:01:29 (epoch 1600368008 to 1600368097.) HIGHLIGHTS
Dataset ID: philos_2020-09-17_docking Filename: philos_2020-09-17_docking.tar.gz (4.48 GB) To download files, pop-ups must be enabled. |
philos_2020_09_17_MOS_basin::Mooring Field, Mooring Ball, Boat, Solar Glare, Marine Obstacle
Philos – MOS BasinThis dataset was collected on 2020/09/17 on the vessel R/V Philos on the Charles River while transiting the public mooring field near the Museum of Science, Cambridge, MA. Skies were mostly clear. During testing, Philos passed many moored vessels. Duration of the dataset is approximately 00:03:00 (epoch 1600366960 to 1600367140.) HIGHLIGHTS
Dataset ID: philos_2020_09_17_MOS_basin Filename: philos_2020_09_17_MOS_basin.tar.gz (9.31 GB) To download files, pop-ups must be enabled. |
philos_2020_09_17_old_locks::Bridge, Solar Glare, Seawall, Boat
Philos – Old LocksThis dataset was collected on 2020/09/17 on the vessel R/V Philos on the Charles River while transiting west through the Old Locks near the Museum of Science, Cambridge, MA. Skies were mostly clear. The video images demonstrate severe solar glare. Duration of the dataset is approximately 00:02:00 (epoch 1600366646 to 1600366766.) HIGHLIGHTS
Dataset ID: philos_2020_09_17_old_locks Filename: philos_2020_09_17_old_locks.tar.gz (5.99 GB) To download files, pop-ups must be enabled. |
philos_2020_09_17_sailboat_kayak::Sailboat, Kayak, Bridge, Solar Glare
Philos – Sailboat, KayakThis dataset was collected on 2020/09/17 on the vessel R/V Philos on the Charles River while transiting east to and through the Longfellow Bridge near the Museum of Science, Cambridge, MA. Skies were mostly clear. The video images demonstrate severe solar glare. Duration of the dataset is approximately 00:01:50 (epoch 1600365961 to 1600366071.) HIGHLIGHTS
Dataset ID: philos_2020_09_17_sailboat_kayak Filename: philos_2020_09_17_sailboat_kayak.tar.gz (5.79 GB) To download files, pop-ups must be enabled. |
philos_2019_10_30__12_50_09_mooring_field::Mooring Field, Mooring Ball, Sailboat, Ferry, Boat
Philos – Mooring FieldThis dataset was collected on 2019/10/30 on the vessel R/V Philos in Boston Harbor near the New England Aquarium, Boston, MA. Skies were overcast and the weather was mild. The overall intent of testing that day was collection of typical harbor features. During testing, imagery of sailboats in a mooring field was captured, as well as a ferry preparing to dock. Duration of the dataset is approximately 00:02:27 (epoch 1572454214 to 1572454362.) HIGHLIGHTS
Dataset ID: philos_2019_10_30__12_50_09_mooring_field Filename: philos_2019_10_30__12_50_09_mooring_field.zip (2.92 GB) To download files, pop-ups must be enabled. |
philos_2019_10_29__16_00_19_target_and_sailboats::Sailboat, Marine Obstacle, Dock, Seawall
Philos – Target & SailboatsThis dataset was collected on 2019/10/29 on the vessel R/V Philos on the Charles River near the MIT Sailing Pavilion, Cambridge, MA. Skies were overcast and the weather was mild. The overall intent of testing that day was detection via Lidar and avoidance of a large (~1 m by 2 m) anchored block of Styrofoam while capturing other sensor data. During testing, several sailors passed into and out of the test area, including one that passed close to the target. Duration of the dataset is approximately 00:03:25 (epoch 1572379229 to 1572379426.) HIGHLIGHTS
Dataset ID: philos_2019_10_29__16_00_19_target_and_sailboats Filename: philos_2019_10_29__16_00_19_target_and_sailboats.tar.gz (6.58 GB) To download files, pop-ups must be enabled. |
rex_2019_10_08__13_29_51_harvard_bridge::Bridge, GPS Denied
REx 4 – Harvard BridgeThis dataset was collected on 2019/10/08 on the vessel R/V REx 4 at the Harvard Bridge over the Charles River near the MIT Sailing Center, Cambridge, MA. Skies were overcast. The overall intent of testing that day was collection of sensor data during autonomous navigation of the bridge, including operation in GPS denied areas. During testing, REx passed under the bridge twice upriver and twice downriver. Duration of the dataset is approximately 00:04:20 (epoch 1570556012 to 1570556272.) HIGHLIGHTS
Dataset ID: rex_2019_10_08__13_29_51_harvard_bridge Filename: rex_2019_10_08__13_29_51_harvard_bridge.zip (4.87 GB) To download files, pop-ups must be enabled. |
philos_2019_12_11__09_58_25_lighter1::Boat, Ship, Tug, Snow, Waves, Planing
Philos – Lighter 1This dataset was collected on 2019/12/11 on the vessel R/V Philos in Boston Harbor between Georges Island and Hull, MA. Temperature was near freezing. The skies were just clearing after a light snow squall. The overall intent of testing that day was collection of typical harbor features. During testing, a fuel lighter and tug were captured while Philos was on plane. Duration of the dataset is approximately 00:01:11 (epoch 1576081550 to 1576081620.) HIGHLIGHTS
Dataset ID: philos_2019_12_11__09_58_25_lighter1 Filename: philos_2019_12_11__09_58_25_lighter1.zip (1.19 GB) To download files, pop-ups must be enabled. |
philos_2019_12_11__09_58_25_lighter2::Boat, Ship, Tug, Snow, Waves, Island, Planing
Philos – Lighter2This dataset was collected on 2019/12/11 on the vessel R/V Philos in Boston Harbor in Hull Gut, between Hull, MA and Peddocks Island. Temperature was near freezing. Skies were clearing just after a snow squall. The overall intent of testing that day was collection of typical harbor features. During testing, a fuel lighter and tug were captured while Philos was on plane. Duration of the dataset is approximately 00:02:20 (epoch 1576082065 to 1576082204.) HIGHLIGHTS
Dataset ID: philos_2019_12_11__09_58_25_lighter2 Filename: philos_2019_12_11__09_58_25_lighter2.zip (2.61 GB) To download files, pop-ups must be enabled. |
philos_2019_12_11__09_58_25_long_island_bridge::Boat, Ship, Ferry, Snow, Rain, Waves, Bridge, Planing
Philos – Long Island BridgeThis dataset was collected on 2019/12/11 on the vessel R/V Philos in Boston Harbor near the site of the former Long Island Bridge, Quincy, MA. Skies that day started snowy, then transitioned to snow haze, finally clearing. Air temperature was near freezing. The intent of testing that day was capturing data in snowy conditions. Duration of the dataset is approximately 00:03:30 (epoch 1576080900 to 1576081109). HIGHLIGHTS
Dataset ID: philos_2019_12_11__09_58_25_long_island_bridge Filename: philos_2019_12_11__09_58_25_long_island_bridge.zip (3.35 GB) To download files, pop-ups must be enabled. |
philos_2020_09_23_donuts::Solar Glare, Bridge, “Donuts”
Philos – DonutsThis dataset was collected on 2020/09/23 on the vessel R/V Philos on the Charles River just west of the Harvard Bridge, Cambridge, MA. Skies were partly cloudy. Philos demonstrates multiple in-place turns. Duration of the dataset is approximately 00:01:10 (epoch 1600888187 to 1600888257.) HIGHLIGHTS
Dataset ID: philos_2020_09_23_donuts Filename: philos_2020_09_23_donuts.tar.gz (3.74 GB) To download files, pop-ups must be enabled. |
License: The datasets and programs are free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA. This license supersedes any previous or implied licenses.
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(617) 253-7041
MIT Sea Grant College Program
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue, NW98-151
Cambridge, MA 02139
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