Science in Action – Plankton tows during whalewatch cruises in Stellwagen Bank
MIT Sea Grant led a team of scientist conducting plankton tows during whalewatch cruises in Stellwagen Bank, collecting valuable data for oceanographic researchers and providing science education experiences for the general public.
Each whale…

MIT Sea Grant Coastal Program increases literacy and workforce development in fisheries and coastal resources
The MIT Sea Grant Coastal Resources Program trained and educated nine interns and 1,655 students, teachers, citizen scientists, volunteers, and public groups in fisheries management, coastal ecology, and ecosystem services.
MIT Sea Grant…

Student Bridges Sky & Sea through Coastal Erosion Drone Mapping
Matt Mullin, a rising senior at American University, spent his summer conducting coastal erosion research with drone technology. His project, funded by the Massachusetts Space Grant Consortium and taking place at MIT Sea Grant, will act as a…