D-Lab: Water, Climate Change, and Health – Now on MIT OpenCourseWare!

IAP 2020: 2.981 New England Coastal Ecology

A Carbon Tax for Shipping: Theory and (Possible) Practice
Please join us at MIT Sea Grant
Wednesday, November 20, 2019 from 1:30-2:30 pm
12 Emily Street (NW98), Cambridge, MA 02139
A tax on carbon emissions is widely perceived (by economists) as the most efficient way to reduce carbon…

MIT Sea Grant Joins Hundreds of Leaders and Scientists Focusing on the Future of the Gulf of Maine
Scientists, planners, and leaders – largely from New England and the Maritime Provinces (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island) have convened in Portland for the Gulf of Maine 2050 International Symposium November 4-8, 2019.…

Visiting artist Keith Ellenbogen presents “Space to Sea” images to the U.S. Senate Ocean Caucus
Original piece published by the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation here.
Underwater photographer Keith Ellenbogen visited Washington, D.C., to present a series of his visually compelling images from Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary,…

Hosting students from Oslo, Norway, at the MIT Sea Grant Design Lab for reduced carbon shipping emissions
The MIT Sea Grant Design Lab worked with Marsoft, an independent advisory group focusing on the maritime industry, to host students and faculty from Norway on October 16th. The students from the Oslo Handelsgymnasium – one of the largest…

Space to Sea Shares Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary’s Mission to Inspire the Public
MIT Sea Grant visiting artist Keith Ellenbogen explores Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary through compelling visual images and environmental storytelling aboard NOAA’s Research Vessel Auk.
Just before 5:30 am on August 12, Keith…

Empowered Brains at MIT Sea Grant – Explorations in Ocean Engineering
Photographs and EEEeb writeup by Avery Normandin.
Ecology, Evolution, and Engineering for Empowered Brains (EEEeb) is sensory-friendly series of educational workshops for Boston-area neurodiverse youth which aims to cultivate skills…

Our Blue Economy briefing at the MA State House

SHELL DAY 2019 | August 22 & 23
Join the first coastal acidification monitoring blitz in the Northeast! Over 50 organizations will simultaneously collect water samples across New England to provide a snapshot of seawater conditions affecting shellfish and other coastal…