Gulf of Maine 2050 International Symposium Open for Registration, Abstracts, and New Sponsors
Registration is open for the Gulf of Maine 2050 International Symposium Nov 4-8 in Portland, Maine. Join MIT Sea Grant's Carolina Bastidas, Judith Pederson, and over 30 organizations contributing to the development of a collaborative 30-year…

2300 Days at Sea: Monitoring the Impacts of the Outfall on Massachusetts Bay
April 2019 Executive Summary of November 2018 Workshop | Atlantic Wharf, Boston, Massachusetts
Executive Summary of the Outfall Monitoring Science Advisory Panel Workshop
Full Workshop Transcript
Prepared by Judith Pederson, Massachusetts…

High School Marine Science Symposium (HSMSS) at Northeastern University
MIT Sea Grant Research Scientist Carolina Bastidas and Coastal Ecologist Juliet Simpson developed and led a hands-on activity in ocean acidification at the High School Marine Science Symposium (HSMSS) at Northeastern University. Seawater is…

MIT Sea Grant funded researchers building sensors to detect pathogens and ensure healthy oyster farming
MIT Sea Grant funded researchers are building a sensor to detect when bacteria that live on oysters become pathogenic and can cause illness in humans, informing aquaculture operations, production planning, and management.
The relevance of…

MIT Sea Grant Coastal Program increases literacy and workforce development in fisheries and coastal resources
The MIT Sea Grant Coastal Resources Program trained and educated nine interns and 1,655 students, teachers, citizen scientists, volunteers, and public groups in fisheries management, coastal ecology, and ecosystem services.
MIT Sea Grant…

Student Bridges Sky & Sea through Coastal Erosion Drone Mapping
Matt Mullin, a rising senior at American University, spent his summer conducting coastal erosion research with drone technology. His project, funded by the Massachusetts Space Grant Consortium and taking place at MIT Sea Grant, will act as a…

Wastewater Treatment with the Mass Water Resource Authority
MIT Sea Grant researchers and engineers partnered with the Massachusetts Water Resource Authority on a $4 billion dollar wastewater treatment facility; billions of dollars were spent subsequently on cleaning up combined sewer overflows…

“Digital Ocean” Development through Geospatial Data Visualization
MIT Sea Grant Coastal Resources Program Geospatial Data Analysis and Visualization System Development
MIT Sea Grant is developing the “Digital Ocean”, a marine data storage, analysis, and visualization system for use by scientists, resource…