SHELL DAY 2019 | August 22 & 23
Join the first coastal acidification monitoring blitz in the Northeast! Over 50 organizations will simultaneously collect water samples across New England to provide a snapshot of seawater conditions affecting shellfish and other coastal…

Via NMSF | Hollings Award Grantee Keith Ellenbogen Brings His Underwater Images to Capitol Hill

Gulf of Maine 2050 International Symposium Open for Registration, Abstracts, and New Sponsors
Registration is open for the Gulf of Maine 2050 International Symposium Nov 4-8 in Portland, Maine. Join MIT Sea Grant's Carolina Bastidas, Judith Pederson, and over 30 organizations contributing to the development of a collaborative 30-year…

Student Bridges Sky & Sea through Coastal Erosion Drone Mapping
Matt Mullin, a rising senior at American University, spent his summer conducting coastal erosion research with drone technology. His project, funded by the Massachusetts Space Grant Consortium and taking place at MIT Sea Grant, will act as a…

Wastewater Treatment with the Mass Water Resource Authority
MIT Sea Grant researchers and engineers partnered with the Massachusetts Water Resource Authority on a $4 billion dollar wastewater treatment facility; billions of dollars were spent subsequently on cleaning up combined sewer overflows…

Salt Marsh Response & Resilience to Changing Conditions: Prospects for Management
There is compelling evidence that New England coastal ecosystems face mounting challenges from pervasive anthropogenic stressors. Sea level rise, in particular, degrades salt marsh by altering hydrology, salinity regime and erosive forces. Southern…

NOAA Sea Grant and Fisheries announce 2018 Joint Fellowship Recipients
The NMFS-Sea Grant Joint Fellowship Program in Population and Ecosystem Dynamics and Marine Resource Economics is designed to help Sea Grant fulfill its broad educational responsibilities and to strengthen the collaboration between Sea Grant…

MIT Sea Grant Contributions to the Marine Invasive Species Rapid Assessment Survey Program: 18 years and Counting
This month, MIT Sea Grant continued its collaboration with the regional marine invasive species Rapid Assessment Survey (RAS). This is the 6th survey since 2000 when RAS started as a collaborative effort of more than 40 organizations and individuals…

New Fall Course taught by Sea Grant: Ecology and Sustainability of Coastal Ecosystems
2.982, Ecology and Sustainability of Coastal Ecosystems9 units (3-2-4)Tuesday/Thursday: 11 - 12:30Lab/Field trips: Thursday 2:30 - 4:30For information contact:Carolina Bastidas (bastidas@mit.edu)Juliet Simpson (simpsonj@mit.edu)Description:Combining…