Dr. Themistoklis Sapsis receives the 2017 Doherty Professorship in Ocean Utilization
Dr. Themistoklis Sapsis, an Associate Professor of Mechanical and Ocean Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology was awarded the 2017 Doherty Professorship in Ocean Utilization. Endowed by the Henry L. and Grace Doherty Charitable…

MIT Sea Grant is excited to announce the opening of the Katúdysi Art Gallery
The Katúdysi art gallery is located within the new MIT Sea Grant facility, along side an updated biology lab, an expanded ocean engineering lab, and a fully equipped classroom space. The new gallery will be a destination for students, faculty,…

MIT Sea Grant announces three newly funded projects studying ocean acidification
MIT Sea Grant has selected three research projects for funding from our annual request for proposals. The projects focus on developing new ocean acidification sensor technology and using modeling techniques to consolidate historical data to…

MIT Sea Grant bids farewell to renowned scientist Ernst Ray Pariser
Ernst Ray Pariser passed away peacefully on January 20th, 2017, he was 98 years old. Ray was the Associate Director for Education and Training at MIT Sea Grant during the 70's and 80's. His contributions to our program were innumerable. In addition…

New D-Lab course: Water and Climate Change
D-Lab: Water and Climate ChangeEC.719 (Undergrad) EC.789 (Grad) 12 unitsSpring Term 2017, T/TH 1:00 ¤ 2:30pmLocation: N51-350Co-taught by Susan Murcott & Julie Simpson By 2025, two-thirds of the world¡s population could be experiencing water…

MIT Sea Grant Annual Request for Proposals
In 2017 MIT Sea Grant will focus our funding resources on specific areas of marine research. Some elements of the ocean acidification solicitation that was issued in 2016 will be continued, since this is an issue of great interest to our stakeholders.…

Dr. Don Anderson: Using robots to measure toxins in the ocean
Toxic algal blooms that infect shellfish and make people sick are happening more and more along the New England coast. Scientists haven¡t had a way to predict where and when they will cause problems. But now MIT Sea Grant funded researchers…

Dr. Jarrett Byrnes: Using social media to further research
By Morgan O'Hanlon Sea Grant funded scientist uses social media, untraditional methods to promote scienceMarine ecologist, online bon vivant, science crowdfunding curious, reads the description on Jarrett Byrnes¡s Twitter page. A quick…

Dr. Robyn Hannigan: Using Lobster Shells to Understand the Past
Dr. Robyn Hannigan is fascinated by lobsters. But don¡t assume that she actually likes the creatures. Lobsters are just a factory to me, says Hannigan. Hannigan received funding from MIT Sea Grant to look at how ocean acidification is impacting…

“Digital Ocean” Development through Geospatial Data Visualization
MIT Sea Grant Coastal Resources Program Geospatial Data Analysis and Visualization System Development
MIT Sea Grant is developing the “Digital Ocean”, a marine data storage, analysis, and visualization system for use by scientists, resource…