Gulf of Maine Region Quarterly Climate Impacts and Outlook now available
Gulf of Maine Region Quarterly Climate Impacts and Outlook now available
Eastern Region Spring Quarterly now available
NOAA's Eastern Region Quarterly Climate Impacts and Outlook is available now.
Chelsea, MA Has New Climate Adaptation Guidance
The city of Chelsea, Massachusetts¡ Planning Board has new climate change adaptation guidance thanks to a group of students from Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) and MIT Sea Grant. MIT Sea Grant sponsored and mentored the WPI students…
Finding the local perspective on ocean acidification
Ocean acidification is not just a buzzword for the men and women who make their living harvesting shellfish off the coast of New England. The pH of coastal water directly affects the health of shellfish and that has a real and immediate impact…
MIT Sea Grant College Program pulls off the 18th Blue Lobster Bowl at MIT!
MIT Sea Grant College Program organized and hosted the 18th Annual Blue Lobster Bowl at MIT on February 28, 2015. This year's tournament included 24 teams from 14 Massachusetts high schools and was free and open to the public. Teams of students…
How can California¡s fisheries be readied for climate change?
Madeleine Hall-Arber, MIT Sea Grant¡s anthropologist serves on the Science Advisory Team (SAT) for the California Ocean Protection Council (OPC). The mission of the OPC is to ensure that California maintains healthy, resilient, and productive…
MIT Sea Grant 2016 Research Funding Opportunity: Ocean Acidification
The next MIT Sea Grant research funding opportunity will be announced in early January. Among the focus areas identified in the MIT Sea Grant Strategic Plan, assessing impacts to coastal waters and habitats are of importance for managing healthy…
A new center for the preservation and presentation of New Bedford’s fishing industry will open with MIT Sea Grant specialist as a founding member.
MIT Sea Grant Marine Anthropologist Madeleine Hall-Arber is one of the founding members of a newly established non-profit organization, the New Bedford Fishing Heritage Center, Inc. The mission of the Center will be: To educate the public about…
MIT Sea Grant Marine Scientists to Teach MIT Course on Coastal Marine Communities
MIT Sea Grant marine scientists, Dr. Carolina Bastidas and Dr. Juliet Simpson will teach a class to MIT students during the Independent Activities Period (IAP) at MIT in January 2015. The class, titled, "Coastal marine communities of New England",…
Second World Congress on Small-Scale Fisheries
In September, MIT Sea Grant¡s Madeleine Hall-Arber participated in the second World Small-Scale Fisheries Congress (WSFC) held in Merida, Mexico. The congress is a trans-disciplinary forum focused on small-scale fisheries where fishermen from…