Quantitative PCR Combined with Constant Denaturant Capillary Electrophoresis for the Analysis of Naturally Occurring Pathogens in Coastal Environments
Martin Polz · 3/2000 - 2/2002Project number: 2000-RC-75 -
Development of a Grants Program for Teachers and Students in Marine Science
Clifford Goudey · 12/2000 - 6/2001Project number: 2000-E-35-PD -
Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Navigation and Control Using an Autonomous Surface Craft
Michael Triantafyllou · 3/2000 - 2/2002Project number: 2000-RCM-6 -
Acoustic Sensing of Sediment Properties using a WWW-controlled Shallow Water Mooring
Henrik Schmidt · 3/2000 - 2/2002Project number: 2000-RCM-5 -
Biomimetic Rigid Hull Vehicle with Flapping Foils for Enhanced Agility in the Surf Zone and Cluttered Environments
Michael Triantafyllou · 3/2001 - 2/2007Project number: 2001-RT-2/RD-13 -
Deployment of an Odyssey-compatible In-Situ Mass Spectrometer
Harold Hemond · 3/2001 - 4/2003Project number: 2001-RD-12 -
Develop and Implement Local Marine Curriculum for Quincy Public Schools
Janet DiTullio · 3/2000 - 2/2002Project number: 2000-E-29 -
Monitoring Natural and Man-made Ambient Noise in Mass. Bay
Nicholas Makris · 7/2000 - 6/2002Project number: 2000-DOH-28-LEV -
Environmental Marine Biotechnology: Mussel Plasma Histidine-Rich Glycoprotein (HRG)-Biomarker, Key to Metal Transport, Novel Natural Product
William Robinson · 7/2000 - 6/2002Project number: 2000-RB-53 -
Open Ocean Aquaculture IV Symposium – Co Sponsorship
Clifford Goudey · 6/2000 - 9/2002Project number: 2000-A-22-PD
12 Emily Street, NW98
Cambridge, MA 02139
(617) 253-7041
12 Emily Street, NW98
Cambridge, MA 02139
(617) 253-7041
MIT Sea Grant College Program
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue, NW98-151
Cambridge, MA 02139
MIT Sea Grant College Program
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue, NW98-151
Cambridge, MA 02139
MIT Sea Grant Newsletter
Northeast MA Coastal Outreach (NEMCO)
Southeast MA Coastal Outreach (SEMCO)
MIT Sea Grant Newsletter
Northeast MA Coastal Outreach (NEMCO)
Southeast MA Coastal Outreach (SEMCO)